Educational Programs

TREC Community Investors is proud to offer targeted learning opportunities for residents and community leaders who want to expand their real estate knowledge. Participants are selected through an application process. Space is limited.

For more information, please contact Community Investment Manager Kawanise Jordan.

Community Investors powered by TREC

Real Estate 101 for Nonprofits

Since real estate is typically the second largest budget item for nonprofit organizations, and mistakes can be quite costly, it is inevitably a high priority for senior staff members and boards of directors. Our annual Real Estate 101 for Nonprofits course helps educate top nonprofit decision-makers about the nuances of buying, selling, and leasing commercial real estate.

Applications for the 2024 Real Estate 101 program have closed.


Real Estate 101 for Nonprofits - FAQs

Program Details

Real Estate 101 is offered annually each fall and consists of five, two-hour workshops. The course is hosted by Eliza Solender, president of Solender/Hall, Inc., and features lectures, case studies, and group discussions with experienced real estate professionals and nonprofit executives that have recently navigated major real estate decisions.

Ideal applicants for Real Estate 101 include nonprofit leaders and board members responsible for making real estate decisions for their organization.

Course components include:
  • Getting started and anticipating “bumps”
  • Becoming a savvy tenant, buyer, or seller
  • Managing zoning, permitting, and receiving gifts of real estate
  • Design and construction lessons
  • Pulling together sources of funds
Who should apply?

This course is designed for nonprofit leaders, specifically senior-level professionals and board members with responsibility for making real estate decisions. Each organization that completes the program will be recognized on the TREC Community Investors website.

How many people can participate?

Up to two representatives from each organization are eligible to attend program modules. Organizations may attend multiple times if space is available. Third-party representatives, such as brokers, are not eligible. Selected attendees must be employees or board members of the registered nonprofit, and space is limited.

What are the program dates?

This course runs annually on Tuesdays from August to December. Participants must commit to attendance at each session. Dates and times for the 2023 program are tentative and subject to change:

  • August 20, 2024: Real Estate Overview
  • September 17, 2024: Advice for Tenants, Buyers, and Sellers
  • October 8, 2024: Zoning, Permitting, and Real Estate Gifts
  • November 19, 2024: Design and Construction
  • December 10, 2024: Finding the Money

Please note: Dates are tentative and subject to change.

Who teaches the course?

The course creator and facilitator is Eliza Solender, president of Solender/Hall, Inc. and a national expert on nonprofit real estate. Certain modules of the class will also include expert panels featuring TREC members from different areas of the commercial real estate industry and nonprofit executives with significant real estate experience.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the course. It is generously underwritten by Solender/Hall, Inc.


Real Estate Bootcamp

Our highly acclaimed, one-of-a-kind Real Estate Bootcamp course introduces participants to the real estate development process each Spring. Over five program modules, participants receive the skills, training, and networks necessary to bring to life a real estate project that creates positive local impact.

Applications are closed.


Real Estate Bootcamp - FAQs

Program Details

Real Estate Bootcamp is held annually during the spring. Applications are accepted beginning in February, and course modules are typically held in April and May. Space is extremely limited.

This course is primarily for aspiring developers and organizations seeking a TREC Community Investors loan, but applicants may have any level of real estate education. Ideal applicants show a commitment to complete the program and apply the lessons to underserved neighborhoods in North Texas.

Real Estate Bootcamp features case studies, expert panels, and one-on-one coaching to help participants understand the essential strategies for success. Course modules are taught by experienced development professionals who are members of The Real Estate Council.

Course components include:

  • Development Stages: How to succeed from project conception to leasing and re-sale
  • Key Players: How they are involved and what they do
  • Market Analysis: How to position your project for success
  • Site Suitability Analysis: How to find the right location for your project
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis: How to build a budget, project cash flows, and use simple financial models to test your assumptions
  • Financing: How to secure the debt and equity investments you need
How many people can participate?

Real Estate Bootcamp is limited to 30 participants. Due to the unique nature of the program and the one-on-one coaching from development professionals, space is limited. Please submit your application as early as possible.

What are the program dates?

This course runs annually on Saturdays from April to May, and you can click here    to view the current calendar. Participants must commit to attendance at each session. Topics include:

  • May 2, 2024: Introduction to Development
  • May 7, 2024: Site Feasibility
  • May 9, 2024: Market Feasibility
  • May 18, 2024: Financial Feasibility
  • May 21, 2024: Financing and Project Success
  • June 4, 2024: Case Competition

Please note: Dates are tentative and subject to change.

Who teaches the course?

Real Estate Bootcamp is taught directly by experienced development professionals who are members of TREC (The Real Estate Council).

How much does it cost?

There is no charge to participate. All selected applicants will receive a scholarship for the full cost of this course from TREC (The Real Estate Council) and its network of development professionals.