TREC Community Investors Blog

TREC Community Investors Introduces Real Estate Bootcamp Course

by | Feb 20, 2018 | TREC Community Investors News

TREC Community Investors is introducing a four-part, hands-on training course to educate participants on the development process and connect them with industry professionals so that they may bring future projects to life.

What will participants learn?
The course uses case studies, expert panels and one-on-one coaching with development professionals. Topics include:

  • Stages of the development process: from conception to leasing and re-sale
  • Key players in the process: what they do and when
  • Market analysis: how to position your project for success
  • Site suitability analysis: finding the right location for your project
  • Financial feasibility analysis: how to build a budget, project cash flows, and use simple financial models to test your assumptions
  • Financing: how to secure the debt and equity investments you need

How do I apply?
Interested applicants must fill out the online application by March 19. You will be asked to describe the project you’re planning and the community impact you wish to make as well as your background and interest in development. There is no cost to apply.

Who is eligible to apply?
This course is open to community members and organizations who seek to learn about the real estate development process. Participants do not have to have prior real estate experience and such experience will not influence one’s selection for the course, but we encourage participants to use what they learn to foster a positive, lasting impact in their communities.

Wait, what do you mean participants will be selected?
Since this course is based on individual interactions and one-on-one coaching from development professionals, space is limited. All selected participants will receive a scholarship for the full cost of this course from TREC and its network of development professionals.

Do I need to have a project in development prior to applying for the course?
This course requires that participants have a project in mind before the first session. For some participants, this means they will arrive with an idea for a project in search of an ideal location. For others, it may mean that they have a thoroughly conceived project or one they’ve been crafting for awhile. As long as you have an idea, this course will help you bring a project to life. Worried that your “idea” may not be what we’re looking for? Reach out and let us hear about your idea—we’ll help you put together a competitive application.
