TREC Community Investors Blog

TREC Community Investors Rolls Out Dallas Catalyst Project

by | Apr 17, 2017 | TREC Community Investors News

We are proud to introduce a powerful $1 million grant called the Dallas Catalyst Project. This new funding model, rolling out right now, is designed to maximize TREC Foundation’s community impact and Ignite Positive Community Change. We’re motivated and hope to share our enthusiasm with you!
The Dallas Catalyst Project is the result of a special task force that came together to enhance the TREC Foundation following a study Deloitte completed earlier this year. With this new approach, our goals are to increase TREC Foundation’s impact, inspire our donors and raise the profile of the organization within the community.
Here are some key facts about our new funding model to help you better understand the Dallas Catalyst Project. Please help us spread the news about this exciting change with the greater Dallas community.


  • Single Focus: Rather than fund several smaller projects across Dallas, TREC Foundation will identify and support a proposal that combines the efforts of several partnering nonprofits to address a specific community challenge. The selected project may consist of several separate projects all handled by different organizations working towards unified vision or it may be a single project that several groups collaborate on.
  • Defined Location: The selected project must address a significant challenge within a specific geographic location in the City of Dallas (such as a zip code, a neighborhood or a school feeder pattern).
  • More Collaboration: We’re looking for nonprofits willing to combine forces to tackle a critical community challenge. (Nonprofits do NOT have to create a new organization to collaborate.)
  • More Money: The successful project will receive financial support of up to $1 million.
  • More Time: The funding will be provided over a three-year period.


  • Focus Areas: We are seeking proposals for projects that address one or more of TREC Foundation’s focus areas: housing, jobs, education and the environment.
  • Volunteering is Vital: TREC members will still provide volunteer and professional services support with the Dallas Catalyst Project.
  • Prior Funding Commitments: We will continue to honor funding commitments already made this year.
  • Professional Services: Our professional services program will remain in place.

We will continue to keep you informed about this exciting initiative. If you still have questions, check out our FAQs or reach out to Kelcey Hamilton, Community Engagement Manager.
